
Emergency or Not — Know Your Plumbers are Qualified

No matter the exact situation, an emergency plumbing problem is never a good time. When water starts to flood and spray all over house, you want that problem fixed immediately. And if the water that’s coming into your home happens to be coming from a drainage pipe, the smell and general nastiness makes the situation…


Need a Water Heater Installed in Nashville? Call Advantage Plumbing!

If you’re looking to have a new water heater installed in the 37135 part of Nashville, TN, or you have a faulty heater that can likely be fixed by a residential plumbing expert, Advantage Plumbing can help. We offer hot water services like installation, maintenance and repair and can answer any questions you may have, including…


Trust Advantage Plumbing to Fix Your Emergency Plumbing Problem Right

“To the man with a hammer, all problems look like a nail.” That phrase may not mean something to everyone, but the idea behind it is entirely applicable to emergency plumbers in Franklin, Mount Juliet, Murfreesburo and Nashville. If you have a leak or clog in one of your pipes, most plumbers in the area…


Emergency Plumbing Services in Brentwood, TN

When you have a clog, blockage, leak or other emergency plumbing issue in your Brentwood, TN (or any other part of Nashville) home, our pros at Advantage Plumbing have the experience, urgency and skills to keep your house from flooding (more). We know how problematic emergency plumbing issues can be and also understand that the…

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5 Great Ways to Save Money on a Kitchen Remodel

The average cost for a full kitchen renovation in Nashville runs in the $19,000 range. If that’s not the kind of cash you have lying around but you’re still determined to overhaul the most-used room in your home, there are a few tricks you can use to keep your costs low while making the kitchen…


Keep Your Drain Line Clean to Dodge Disaster

Though it’s essential to keeping your Nashville home running smoothly, we’re pretty sure you never even think about it – let alone conduct regular maintenance on it – but neglecting your drain line could lead to some huge issues down the… line. The drain line is the main route waste takes when it leaves your…


Pros & Cons: Which Water Heater is Right for Your Household?

If your water heater has been acting up or you’ve been taking five-minute long freezing cold showers because it doesn’t appear to be working at all, you’re likely thinking of replacing it soon. Before you rush into buying a new one, though, you should take a minute to mull the purchase over to make sure…


5 Ways to Save Money During Your Next Bathroom Remodel

Remodeling any part of a home can be expensive enough, but bathrooms tend to be particularly expensive. With purchasing multiple fixtures and potentially needing to fix water damage, faulty wiring or plumbing, even a small bathroom can add up to a lot of cash. Before you start your next bathroom remodeling project, read these tips…

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What are Backflow Prevention Devices and Why Are They So Important?

As its name implies, a backflow prevention device stands as a safeguard against possible backflow. This keeps a home’s or office’s potable water supply protected from contamination that would have made its way in due to backflow. Backflow itself can happen when a pipe’s normal pressure is reduced and contaminated water works itself in the…

Advantage Fixes Your Plumbing Issues Right — the First Time

When you have an emergency plumbing situation in Franklin, TN or any other Nashville suburb – whether your pipes are broken, leaking, spraying, flooding, clogged or just not working like they should – give Advantage Plumbing a call and we’ll make sure it gets fixed right the first time. Unlike other plumbing services in Nashville, we…